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MOC 2274C and MOC 2275C Virtual Machines

MOC 2274C and MOC 2275C Virtual Machines

MOC 2274C and MOC 2275C Virtual Machines | ISO | 8.31 GB
Genre: Video Training

This five-day instructor-led course provides students with the knowledge and skills to manage accounts and resources in a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 environment and This three-day instructor-led course provides students with the knowledge and skills that are needed to effectively maintain server resources, monitor server performance, and safeguard data on a computer running one of the operating systems in the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 family.
Course OutlineModule 1: Introduction to Administering Accounts and Resources
This module explains how to administer accounts and resources on computers running Microsoft Windows Server 2003 software in a networked environment.

Multimedia: Introduction to Administering Accounts and Resources
The Windows Server 2003 Environment
Logging on to Windows Server 2003
Using the Run As Feature for Administration
Installing and Configuring Administrative Tools
Creating an Organizational Unit

Lab : Creating Organizational Units

Creating an Organizational Unit

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Describe the Windows Server 2003 environment.
Log on to a computer running Windows Server 2003.
Use the Run as feature to perform administrative tasks.
Install and configure the administrative tools.
Create an organizational unit.

Module 2: Managing User and Computer Accounts
This module explains how to modify user and computer accounts on computers running Microsoft Windows Server 2003 in a networked environment.

Creating User Accounts
Creating Computer Accounts
Modifying User and Computer Account Properties
Creating a User Account Template
Managing User and Computer Accounts
Using Queries to Locate User and Computer Accounts in Active Directory

Lab : Managing User and Computer Accounts

Creating User Accounts
Creating Computer Accounts
Using Queries to Locate Objects
Modifying User and Computer Properties

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Create user accounts.
Create computer accounts.
Modify user and computer account properties.
Create a user account template.
Manage user and computer accounts.
Use queries to locate user and computer accounts in Active Directory directory service..

Module 3: Managing Groups
This module explains how to perform various administrative functions using groups.

Creating groups.
Managing group membership.
Strategies for using groups.
Using default groups.

Lab : Creating and Managing Groups

Creating Global and Domain Local Groups
Managing Group Membership
Managing Default Groups

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Create groups.
Manage group membership
Apply strategies for using groups
Manage default groups.

Module 4: Managing Access to Resources
This module explains how to enable resource access with permissions, manage access to files and folders using permissions, and manage permission inheritance.

Overview of Managing Access to Resources
Managing Access to Shared Folders
Managing Access to Files and Folders Using NTFS Permissions
Determining Effective Permissions
Managing Access to Shared Files Using Offline Caching

Lab : Managing Access to Resources

Creating and Sharing Folders
Configuring NTFS Permissions
Publishing Shared Folders
Testing Permissions
Configuring Automatic Caching

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Manage access to resources.
Manage access to shared folders.
Manage access to files and folders by using NTFS permissions.
Determine effective permissions.
Manage access to shared files by using offline caching.

Module 5: Implementing Printing
This module explains how to implement printing in a Windows Server 2003 environment.

Multimedia: Introduction to Printing in the Windows Server 2003 Family
Installing and Managing Access to Printers
Managing Printer Drivers
Implementing Printer Locations

Lab : Implementing Printing

Installing Printers and Setting Printer Locations and Permissions
Searching for Printers and Testing Permissions

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Explain printing in the Windows Server 2003 family.
Install and manage access to printers by using printer permissions.
Manage printer drivers.
Implement printer locations.

Module 6: Managing Printing
This module explains how to set up a network-wide printing strategy to meet the needs of users and troubleshoot installation or configuration problems.

Changing the Location of the Print Spooler
Setting Printer Priorities and Scheduling Printer Availability
Configuring a Printing Pool and Redirecting Print Queues

Lab : Managing Printing

Installing Printers and Creating a Printing Pool
Setting Printer Priorities and Availability

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Change the location of the print spooler.
Set printing priorities and schedule printer availability.
Configure a printing pool and redirect print queues.

Module 7: Managing Access to Objects in Organizational Units
This module explains the permissions available for managing access to Active Directory objects, how to move objects between organizational units in the same domain, and how to delegate control of an organizational unit.

Modifying Permissions for Active Directory Objects
Delegating Control of Organizational Units

Lab : Managing Access to Objects in Organizational Units

Modifying the Delegation of Control Wizard and Delegating Permissions
Testing the Delegated Permissions
Granting Permissions to the Legal Organizational Unit and Creating a Taskpad
Testing the Delegated Permissions

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Modify permissions for Active Directory objects.
Delegate control of organizational units.

Module 8: Implementing Group Policy
This module explains the purpose and function of Group Policy in a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 environment. It also explains how to implement Group Policy objects (GPOs) and manage GPOs.

Implementing Group Policy Objects
Implementing GPOs on a Domain
Managing the Deployment of Group Policy

Lab : Implementing a GPO

Disabling and Deleting a GPO
Creating and Linking Multiple GPOs
Filtering the GPOs to Exempt Selected Users
Backing Up and Importing GPO Settings

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Implement GPOs.
Implement GPOs in a domain.
Manage the deployment of Group Policy.

Module 9: Managing the User Environment by Using Group Policy
This module explains how to use Group Policy to assign scripts, restrict group membership and access to software and configure folder redirection. As well, this module explains how to determine which GPOs are being applied on a computer.

Configuring Group Policy Settings
Assigning Scripts with Group Policy
Restricting Group Membership and Access to Software
Configuring Folder Redirection
Determining Applied GPOs

Lab : Managing the User Environment by Using Group Policy

Creating and Applying a GPO to the Graphics Organizational Unit
Assigning a Logon Script to Connect to a Printer
Using a GPO to Configure the Members of the Backup Operators Group
Using the Group Policy Results Wizard to Verify the Policy Settings

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Configure Group Policy settings.
Assign scripts with Group Policy.
Restrict group membership and access to software.
Configure Folder Redirection.
Determine Applied Group Policy objects (GPOs).

Module 10: Implementing Administrative Templates and Audit Policy
This module provides a broad overview of security in Microsoft Windows Server 2003. It also explains how to deploy security templates and test computer security policy and how to configure auditing and manage security logs..

Overview of Security in Windows Server 2003
Using Security Templates to Secure Computers
Testing Computer Security Policy
Configuring Auditing
Managing Security Logs

Lab : Managing Security Settings

Creating a Custom Security Template
Importing and Deploying the Custom Template

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Explain user rights and audit policies in Windows Server 2003.
Use security templates to secure computers.
Test computer security policy.
Configure auditing.
Manage security logs.


Course OutlineModule 1: Preparing to Administer a Server
This module explains how to administer a server. It describes how to manage servers remotely, what tools to use, and the rights and permissions that are needed to administer a server.

Introduction to Administering a Server
Configuring Remote Desktop to Administer a Server
Managing Remote Desktop Connections

Lab : Preparing to Administer a Server

Enabling Remote Desktop
Creating a Shared Folder on a Remote Computer
Connecting to a Remote Console Session
Creating runas Shortcuts to Administration Tools

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Explain the tasks, tools, and rights that are required to administer a server.
Configure Remote Desktop for Administration and client preferences.
Manage remote desktop connections.

Module 2: Preparing to Monitor Server Performance
This module explains how to monitor server performance by using performance tools, configure and manage performance logs, configure and manage alerts, and manage system monitor views.

Introduction to Monitoring Server Performance
Performing Real-Time and Logged Monitoring
Configuring and Managing Counter Logs
Configuring Alerts

Lab : Preparing to Monitor Server Performance

Selecting the Appropriate Monitoring Technique

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Establish a performance baseline.
Perform real-time and logged monitoring.
Configure and manage counter logs.
Configure alerts.

Module 3: Monitoring Server Performance
This module explains how to collect performance data by monitoring primary server subsystems. It also covers how to identify system bottlenecks by using the Performance console and Task Manager in Microsoft Windows Server 2003.

Multimedia: The Primary Server Subsystems
Monitoring Server Memory
Monitoring Processor Usage
Monitoring Disks
Monitoring Network Usage
Monitoring Best Practices

Lab : Monitoring Server Performance

Create and Configure Alerts
Configure the Messaging Service
Finding a High CPU Usage Process
Finding a High Memory Usage Process

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Explain how the four primary server subsystems affect server performance.
Monitor server memory.
Monitor processor usage.
Monitor disks.
Monitor network usage.
Use best practices for monitoring server performance.

Module 4: Maintaining Device Drivers
This module explains how to maintain device drivers.

Configuring Device Driver Signing Options
Using Device Driver Rollback

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Configure device driver signing.
Restore the previous version of a device driver.

Module 5: Managing Disks
This module explains how to manage disks and how to use the tools to manage and set up disks.

Preparing Disks
Managing Disk Properties
Managing Mounted Drives
Converting Disks
Creating Volumes
Creating Fault-Tolerant Volumes
Importing a Foreign Disk

Lab : Managing Disks

Recovering from a Failed Mirrored Drive

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Initialize and partition a disk.
View and update disk properties.
Manage mounted drives.
Convert a disk from basic to dynamic and from dynamic to basic.
Create volumes on a disk.
Create fault-tolerant volumes.
Import disks.

Module 6: Managing Data Storage
This module explains the Encrypting File System (EFS), which contributes to the safe storage of data and helps to keep the network from harm. It also explains how to administer disk quotas.

Managing File Compression
Configuring File Encryption
Configuring EFS Recovery Agents
Implementing Disk Quotas

Lab : Managing Data Storage

Troubleshooting Disk-Quota Entries
Recovering an Encrypted File

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Manage NTFS file compression.
Configure file encryption.
Configure an EFS recovery agent.
Implement disk quotas.

Module 7: Managing Disaster Recovery
This module explains how to plan for a computer disaster and how to use the features of Windows Server 2003 to prevent a disaster or recover when one occurs.

Preparing for Disaster Recovery
Backing Up Data
Scheduling Backup Jobs
Restoring Data
Configuring Shadow Copies
Recovering from Server Failure

Lab : Managing Disaster Recovery

Backing Up the System State Data
Recovering from a Corrupt Registry by Using Last Known Good Configuration
Recovering from a Corrupt Registry by Restoring System State Data

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Prepare for disaster recovery.
Back up data.
Schedule backup jobs.
Restore data.
Configure a shadow copy.
Recover from server failure.

Module 8: Software Maintenance Using Windows Server Update Services
This module explains how to use Microsoft Windows Server Update Services to manage and distribute critical software updates that resolve known security vulnerabilities and other stability issues.

Introduction to Windows Server Update Services
Installing and Configuring Windows Server Update Services
Managing Windows Server Update Services

Lab : Software Maintenance Using Windows Server Update Services

Create a Test Computer Group
View the Status of Updates and Computers
Back up WSUS

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Describe Microsoft WSUS.
Install and configure servers to use WSUS.
Manage WSUS.

Module 9: Securing Windows Server 2003
This module describes how to secure Microsoft Windows Server 2003. The module provides an overview of securing servers, core server security, hardening servers, and the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer tool.

Introduction to Securing Servers
Implementing Core Server Security
Hardening Servers
Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer

Lab : Securing Windows Server 2003

Using the Security Configuration Wizard
Configuring a Group Policy Object for Member Servers
Scanning a Range of Computers by Using MBSA

After completing this module, students will be able to:

Describe how servers are secured.
Explain core server security.
Harden servers in various roles.
Use Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer.

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