Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Computer Key-Stroke Logging and Writing, Volume 18: Methods and Applications

Computer Key-Stroke Logging and Writing, Volume 18: Methods and Applications

Computer Key-Stroke Logging and Writing, Volume 18: Methods and Applications

Product Description
Computer keystroke logging is an exciting development in writing research methodology that allows a documents evolution to be logged and then replayed as if the document were being written for the first time. Computer keystroke logged data allows analysis of the revisions and pauses made by authors during the writing of texts.
Computer Keystroke Logging and Writing: Methods and Applications is the first book to successfully collect a group of leading computer keystroke logging researchers into a single volume and provide an invaluable introduction and overview of this dynamic area of research.

This volume provides the reader unfamiliar with writing research an introduction to the field and it provides the reader unfamiliar with the technique a sound background in keystroke logging technology and an understanding of its potential in writing research. In the core of the methods section, leading researchers demonstrate how keystroke logging can be used to analyze the writing process phenomena of the pause, the writing unit and the revision unit. These phenomena are illustrated with data from current keystroke logging research projects. The final section of the book explores a range of application possibilities for computer keystroke logging. These include how keystroke logging can be used to study how translators approach their work, how keystroke logging, alone or coupled with other techniques, can be used to examine theoretical proposals and models, and how keystroke logging can be used in pedagogical settings.

*Work from the world’s leading researchers in one volume
*Provides and excellent introduction and overview of key-stroke logging
*Includes a discussion of applications for this exciting new field


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