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video2brain – Professional C#, Volume 2

video2brain – Professional C#, Volume 2 | Size 275.88 MB
Learning object-oriented programming is an obstacle that many beginning developers struggle with,
and for good reason: It involves getting your head around a whole new approach to solving
problems. In this workshop, professional developer Edward Tanguay teaches you object-oriented
programming in a unique way. He introduces a real-world problem and shows two approaches to it,
one object-oriented and one not. The non-object-oriented approach works at the beginning, but
then you see as you progress along this path that adding features becomes increasingly difficult.
Then he shows you the object-oriented approach, and you see how the structure of the code is
different and how this allows you to add new features with ease. You’ll also learn about new
features of C# 4.0 such as the very welcome named and optional parameters as well as the
fabulously simple new COM Interop feature to help you read and write Excel files from C#.
Trainer: Edward Tanguay
Publication date: Apr 14, 2011
Object-Oriented Programming
Understanding Why You Need OOP: Doing It the Wrong Way  13:12
Understanding Why You Need OOP – Part 1: Defining the Classes  08:57
Understanding Why You Need OOP – Part 2: Building the First Class  07:59
Understanding Why You Need OOP – Part 3: Building Classes Based on Others  15:09
Constructors  10:04
Properties, Methods, and Fields  11:40
Access Modifiers: private, protected, internal, and public  12:10
Method Modifiers: virtual/override, abstract, and static  08:55
Abstract Classes and Interfaces  12:06
New in C# 4
COM Interop-Creating Excel Files  06:55
Named and Optional Parameters  05:02
Using Tuples  07:18

About admin

Hi, My Name is Hafeez. I am a webdesigner, blogspot developer and UI designer. I am a certified Themeforest top contributor and popular at JavaScript engineers. We have a team of professinal programmers, developers work together and make unique blogger templates.


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