Friday, September 9, 2011


James Maduk - Get 1st Ranked on Google

James Maduk - Get 1st Ranked on Google
James Maduk - Get 1st Ranked on Google
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Language: English
AVI | TSCC | 640x440 (3fps) | PCM 352 kb/s Mono | 917 MB
Genre: eLearning/Video Training

Stuck with No Search Engine Traffic? Want a High Google Page Rank and All the Traffic That Comes With a Web Site That Is Optimized For Google? Why Being Ranked First In The Google Search Engine Is Important

Fact: Google has over 1 trillion pages indexed - a number which doubles every 16 months.

Fact: There are 300 million searches on Google/Yahoo every day.

Fact: 55% of all online purchases result from an online search.

Fact: Without your own large email list or affiliate network, 90% of all traffic comes from search engines.

Fact: 94% of listings in a search engine other than Google, Yahoo, Bing or DMOZ are generated by the Google Search Engine

Fact: Google accounts for 74.7% of all daily online searches.
If you are not listed in at least the first ten spots on Google you are missing out on a huge reservoir of customers.

The first 3 are the most important. Your customers are doing those searches daily. What are you doing to make your site easy to find on Google?

Your email list and contacts is the one thing that can't be copied online. Any competitor with a little bit of money behind them can quickly duplicate any business. This may have already happened to you!

While anyone can copy your products, your web sites, the technology that you use or your approach to doing business, there's one thing that will always set you apart. Your Contacts and Email List!

Stuck with No Search Engine Traffic?

Want a High Google Page Rank and All the Traffic That Comes With a Web Site That Is Optimized For Google?

Important: This is real training with a Google expert! The information you are about to read is not contained in a flimsy, 30 page text only special report and has nothing to do with smart pages, stupid java script tricks, "cloaking" or money-wasting "exit exchange" traffic.

James Maduk - Get 1st Ranked on Google

James Maduk - Get 1st Ranked on Google

About ebookstraining

Hi, My Name is Hafeez. I am a webdesigner, blogspot developer and UI designer. I am a certified Themeforest top contributor and popular at JavaScript engineers. We have a team of professinal programmers, developers work together and make unique blogger templates.


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