Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Zorin OS 5 (I386/x86/x64)

Zorin OS 5 (I386/x86/x64)
Zorin OS 5 (I386/x86/x64) | 2.23 GB

Artem Zorin announced the release of Zorin OS 5, a new stable version of a desktop distribution based on Ubuntu. The working environment in the Core editions used among GNOME, and Lite - LXDE.
Features of Release: added video link in the installer, new themes and updated design, simplified names of the applications, the software update. The structure consists of five Zorin OS Zorin Look Changer (rapid change of appearance), Zorin Internet Browser Manager (allows you to install and remove the popular browsers with one click), Zorin Background Plus (only in Premium-version) and other applications familiar to users of previous versions.

By default, Zorin OS Core set interface reminiscent of Windows 7. If you do not like, you can always return to the standard Gnome interface by Zorin Look Changer.


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