Wednesday, December 29, 2010


The New Boss: How to Survive the First 100 Days

The New Boss: How to Survive the First 100 Days

The New Boss: How to Survive the First 100 Days
193 pages | Publisher: Kogan Page; illustrated edition edition (September 28, 2008) | English | PDF | ISBN-10: 0749452706 | 7.6 MB

Political observers have long attached a near-talismanic status to the first 100 days of a new administration. For an executive taking the new role as a corporate leader, the first 100 days are no less consequential.

The New Boss is a guide for newly appointed senior managers to make a successful leadership transition. Written by Peter Fischer, an industrial psychologist and psychotherapist, this book provides new bosses with tried and tested models and self-assessment techniques for managing expectations, building key relationships, and implementing change during the first three months in charge. This book identifies all the problems a new boss is likely to face, shows how to deal with them, and allows the new boss to "hit the ground running."

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