Sunday, April 11, 2010


100 Ways To Motivate Yourself: Change Your Life Forever (Audiobook)

  • 100 Ways To Motivate Yourself: Change Your Life Forever (Audiobook)

    100 Ways To Motivate Yourself: Change Your Life Forever (Audiobook)
    Career Press 2004| ISBN: 1564147754 | 91 Minutes | mp3 | 63 MB

    In this first-ever paperback edition of his long-time best-seller, motivational speaker Steve Chandler helps you create an action plan for living your vision in business and in life. It features 100 proven methods to positively change the way you think and act-methods based on feedback from the hundreds of thousands of corporate and public seminar attendees Chandler speaks to each year. 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself will help you break through the negative barriers and banish the pessimistic thoughts that are preventing you from fulfilling your lifelong goals and dreams.

    Whether you're self-employed, a manager, or a high-level executive, it's still easy to get stuck in the daily routines of life, fantasizing about what could have been. Steve Chandler helps you turn that way of thinking around and make what could have been into what can and will be.

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Hi, My Name is Hafeez. I am a webdesigner, blogspot developer and UI designer. I am a certified Themeforest top contributor and popular at JavaScript engineers. We have a team of professinal programmers, developers work together and make unique blogger templates.


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