Product Description
Chapter 1: NAVIGATIONAL FEATURES (39 min) 1. Tour of the Photoshop CS4 Interface 2. Customizing Workspaces 3. Customizing Keyboard Shortcuts 4. Customizing File Menus 5. Arranging Documents & Navigation 6. More Options, Preferences & Presets
Chapter 2: USING ADOBE BRIDGE (47 min) 1. Managing Color Settings 2. Organizing Files 3. Batch Renaming & Generating a PDF Contact Sheet 4. Metadata, Keywords, Filters & Find 5. Creating a Panoramic Image Using Photomerge® 6. Creating a Web Photo Gallery 7. Exporting a PDF Slideshow
Chapter 3: TIME-SAVING TIPS (43 min) 1. Tips for Creating Print Documents 2. Tips for Creating Web Documents 3. Recording Actions & Creating a Droplet 4. Using the History Panel
Chapter 4: MAKING SELECTIONS (65 min) 1. Using the Pen Tool 2. Using the Marquee Selection Tools & the Magic Wand Tool 3. Removing a Background with Magic Eraser & Defringe 4. Using the Quick Selection Tool & Rening a Mask 5. Compositing 6. Using Channels to Save & Load Selections 7. Working with Pantone® & Other Spot Colors
Chapter 5: PAINTING & RETOUCHING (41 min) 1. Using a Custom Brush, Quick Mask Mode & Rotate Canvas 2. Using Channels for Complex Selections 3. The Healing Brushes, Creating Patterns & the Patch Tool 4. Using the Clone Stamp Tool & Clone Source Panel 5. Working with Layer Blending Modes 6. Changing a Color with the Color Blending Mode & an Adjustment Layer
Chapter 6: CREATING COMPOSITIONS (461 min) 1. Keyboard Shortcuts for Working with Layers 2. Keyboard Shortcuts for Transparency & Grouping 3. Combining Vector & Pixel Masks 4. Applying Blending Modes & Layer Styles 5. Saving Versions of Layer Comps 6. Creating Knockouts & Clipping Groups
Chapter 7: NON-DESTRUCTIVE EDITING (41 min) 1. Editing Smart Objects 2. Working with Smart Filters 3. Using Adjustment Layers with Smart Objects, Part 1 4. Using Adjustment Layers with Smart Objects, Part 2
Chapter 8: COLOR CORRECTION (43 min) 1. Understanding Color Settings 2. Removing a Color Cast by Adjusting Curves 3. Adjusting Curves, Hue/Saturation & Unsharp Mask 4. Correcting Skin Tone
Chapter 9: CREATING VECTOR ARTWORK (19 min) 1. Content-Aware Scaling & Creating Vector Text 2. Working with Custom Vector Shapes 3. Creating a Custom Shape from an Illustrator® Path
Chapter 10: CREATING IMAGES FOR THE WEB (30 min) 1. Optimizing Files 2. Slicing Images for the Web Using CSS or Tables 3. Creating Basic Frame Animations & Saving for the Web
Chapter 11: WORKING WITH 3D & ANIMATION (20 min) 1. Creating a 3D Sphere & Using the 3D Tools 2. Editing a 3D Texture 3. Animating 3D Objects 4. Exporting & Resizing an Animation 5. Credits
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Hi, My Name is Hafeez. I am a webdesigner, blogspot developer and UI designer. I am a certified Themeforest top contributor and popular at JavaScript engineers. We have a team of professinal programmers, developers work together and make unique blogger templates.
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photoshop masking