Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Man-Machine Interactions

"Man-Machine Interactions" by Krzysztof A. Cyran, Stanislaw Kozielski
Publisher: Springer | ISBN: 3642005624 | 2009 | PDF | 696 pages | 9 Mb

Product Description:

This volume reflects a number of research streams on the development of computer systems and software that makes it possible to employ them in a variety of human activities ranging from logic studies and artificial intelligence, rule-based control of technological processes, image analysis, expert systems and decision support, to assistance in creative works.

In particular, the volume points to a number of new advances in man-machine communication, interaction between visualization and modeling, rough granular computing in human-centric information processing and the discovery of affinities between perceptual granules. The topical subdivisions of this volume include human-computer interactions, decision support, rough fuzzy investigations, advances in classification methodology, pattern analysis and signal processing, computer vision and image analysis, advances in algorithmics, databases and data warehousing, and embedded system applications.


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