IT Outsourcing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Examining the ideas and approaches necessary in deciding to outsource services and functions is a crucial assessment for any company.
IT Outsourcing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications covers a wide range of topics involved in the outsourcing of information technology through state-of-the-art collaborations of international field experts. An enriched set of the latest cutting-edge applications, technological discoveries, and foremost research theories, this exhaustive compendium advances the IT outsourcing field and provides academicians, practitioners, and researchers with a unique collection of industry solutions.
Key Features:
Over 150 authoritative contributions by 256 of the world’s leading experts in IT outsourcing Comprehensive coverage of each specific topic, highlighting recent trends and describing the latest advances in the field A compendium of key terms with detailed definitions References to existing literature and research on IT outsourcing Organized by topic and indexed, making it a convenient method of reference for all IT/IS scholars and professionals Cross-referencing of key terms, figures, and information pertinent to IT outsourcing
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