Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Java And Soap,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-big-search,TopRight,35,-76_AA240_SH20_OU01_.jpg

Product Description
Java and SOAP provides Java developers with an in-depth look at SOAP (the Simple Object Access Protocol). Of course, it covers the basics: what SOAP is, why it’s soared to a spot on the Buzzwords’ Top Ten list, and what its features and capabilities are. And it shows you how to work with some of the more common Java APIs in the SOAP world: Apache SOAP and GLUE. In addition to covering the basics such as the structure of a SOAP message, SOAP encoding, and building simple services using RPC and messaging, Java and SOAP covers many topics that are essential to real-world development. Although SOAP has native support for an impressive number of object types, the nature of modern programming means that whatever SOAP gives you is not enough. When do you need to add support for your own object types, and how do you do it? How do you handle errors, and how do you add your own information to Fault messages? How do you handle attachments? In an ideal world, you could live entirely within Java, and ignore the SOAP messages being send back and forth: you’d be able to write Java code and let the SOAP APIs work behind the scenes. However, we’re not yet in that ideal world, and won’t be for some time. If you’re a Java developer who would like to start working with SOAP, this is the book you need to get going.

About the Author
Robert Englander is Principal Engineer and President of MindStream Software, Inc. ( He provides consulting services in software architecture, design, and development, as well as developing frameworks for use on client projects. His focus is in the areas of component architectures and distributed systems. Rob has built software in Java and C++ for clients ranging from small shops to large organizations. He has spoken at industry conferences, written articles for magazines and journals, and is the author of the OReilly book Developing Java Beans.

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